Saturday 29 September 2012


Sri Sri yukteswar giri maharaj

As the vital rays of the sun nurture all,so should you spread rays of hope in the hearts of the poor and forsaken,kindle courage in the hearts of the despondent, and light a new strength in the hearts of those who think that they are failures. When you realize that life is a joyous battle of duty and at the same time a passing dream, and when you become filled with the joy of making others happy by giving them kindness and peace, in God's eyes your life is a sucess. ---- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.


Intuition comes from within; thought from without.Intuition gives face-to-face view of Reality; thought gives an indirect view of it.Intuition,by a strange sympathy,sees Reality in its totality,while thought chops it up into parts.Every man has the power of thought. As thought can be cultivated,so Intuition can be developed. In Intuition we are in tune with Reality--with the world of Bliss,with the "unity of diversity,"with the inner laws governing the spiritual world,with God. --- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

Guru-Disciple Relationship

The masters, the Good Shepherds of this world,come down from their high places and give their lives to searching for disciples who are lost in the darkness. They find them in desolate and dangerous places, arouse them, lift them to a divine shoulder, and bear them with rejoicing to a safe place in the fold. They feed them with celestial food and give them living water to drink, of which,if a man eat and drink,he shall live forever. They give them power to become the sons of God. They give their own lives,to the last ounce of flesh and the last drop of blood,for the redemption of the sheep who know their voice.--------Sri Gyanamata.


you are your own enemy and you don't know don't learn to sit don't learn to give time to God. And you are impatient and expect to attain heaven all at once.You cannot get it by reading books or by listening to sermons or by doing charitable works.You can get it only by giving your time to Him in deep meditation.---Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.